Personal Training

The process



In our introductory session, we’ll start by going over your fitness history, lifestyle, and most importantly - your goals.

We’ll then move on to a physical assessment where I’ll ask you to perform a variety of basic exercises to understand where you’re starting from. This will help me create a customized plan for you that is safe, enjoyable and effective.



Based on the information collected, we put our plan into practice. We’ll start training together each week, recording each rep in your TrueCoach app. Our focus will be on mastering proper form and building up a little more strength and endurance every session.



Once a month, we’ll review your completed workouts - celebrate your progress, make adjustments where necessary, and discuss next milestones to make sure you’re on track to reach your desired results.

Romain helping a client with a pendulum squat.
Pricing plans
CAD 240 / week*
2 workouts per week
Unlimited solo workout programs
Nutrition recommendations
Access to TrueCoach app
Optional add-on: weekly nutritional assessments ($25)
CAD 360 / week*
3 workouts per week
Unlimited solo workout programs
Nutrition recommendations
Access to TrueCoach app
Optional add-on: weekly nutritional assessments ($20)
Single session
CAD 140 / session
Customized workout
Suggestions for subsequent workouts based on goals
No commitment
Optional add-on: nutrition recommendations ($25)
*Billed weekly, minimum 3 month commitment
All prices include HST

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